Introduktion till Ashtanga och Yoga Anatomi workshop

Yoga anatomi
söndag, den 20 mars 2022 10:00
Yoga by the Sea - Hotel Olympia Bökebolsvägen 30
Mölle, Sverige
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Introduktion till Ashtanga:

Join in a soft introduction to Ashtanga yoga: Through breathing exercises, mantra, sun salutations, standing postures, relaxing postures and deep relaxation, you get the chance to try the Ashtanga yoga method. A flowing class where we work through the whole body and keep the focus on the breath.


Yoga Anatomi Workshop:

Most injuries that can occur in yoga can be prevented. We will go through the most important anatomical aspects for a sustainable yoga practice. The focus will be on dynamic yoga, but the content can be applied to most forms of yoga and exercise. Concrete tips are promised!


Datumlista (Händelseinfosida)

  • söndag, den 20 mars 2022 10:00